How to Make 30% Extra Of Your Money Monthly With MMM (Mavrodi Mondial Movement). Join and Make money

MMM is now a household name, the more people call it a scam, the more people go into it. 

MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.

In MMM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In MMM there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.

The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.

MMM is not a bank. MMM does not collect anybody’s money. MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. MMM Nigeria is NOT even a ponzi scheme as described in Wikipedia and wrongly explain by the guy in Nairaland.

How does it work technically? You declare the willingness to give help (click in your Personal Office (hereinafter PO) "Provide Help"), after which your account will be rewarded with mavro (internal “currency”/scores of the System). Mavros will start growing from the moment of offering the contribution at the rate of 30% per month. (Calculation of reward occurs twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 00:00 GMT.) This sum in Mavro shows how much you can request for yourself.

Say you have announced willingness to assist with $ 100. You will be rewarded in your PO with 100 mavro. And they will immediately start growing! A month later, these 100 will become 130 mavro. Accordingly, you will be able to request assistance for $ 130.

How Can I Register?
Register here


A simple illustration of what happens is this;

Participant A provide help of N100, 000 to Participant B, Participant B provide help of N169,000 to Participant C, Participant C now Provide help of N130, 000 to Participant A.

You will simply see in summary that what really happened is that Participant A has gained an interest of N30, 000.

By means of referrals and registering of new participants/members who provide help regularly; the interest of N30000 and all other bonuses is maintained. The system is sustained via this means.

Let say you provided help of N10, 000; you will be rewarded in your personal office with 10, 000 mavro. And they will immediately start growing! A month later, these N10, 000 will become 13, 000 mavro. Accordingly, you will be able to get help of N13, 000.

You may not really need to wait for a month. Help can be requested at any time, but this is only after confirmation of your mavro (i.e. after you actually provided help to another participant.

Remember, the provision of help is based on trust and honest by the members. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it


When registering in the system, you get from $20 to $100 as a present.

But not everyone, only those who have contributed their own money as well. (Otherwise the System will be pulled apart. For bonuses. They will keep registering endlessly. :-))

1) $20 — if you have contributed from $50 to $499. Frozen for two weeks. If you take it out earlier — you will lose twenty.
2) $50 — if you have contributed from $500 to $2'999. Frozen for a month.
3) $100 — $3'000 and above. Also frozen for a month.

Once again about “freezing”. Bear in mind that if you take your money out earlier, you'll lose registration bonus. Only the bonus! But the contribution with all the accrued interest will be paid.

⇨Each participant is allowed to have only one account.


You get 10% from all deposits of the participant you invited. Inviting new members into the Community is your additional contribution to its development. But nobody force the members of the Community to invite new participants.
mmm sign up

How Can I Register?
Register here

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