Track your posture, steps, distance, and calories burned with Lumo Lift Posture Coach and Activity Tracker

Lumo Lift is a small, lightweight wearable device that you affix on your clothing right below your collarbone to track your daily activity and improve your posture. Lumo Lift provides discreet vibrational feedback when you slouch, to gently remind you to sit tall and get back into good posture, known to alleviate back and neck pain long-term.

Lumo Lift Posture Coach and Activity Tracker (requires the free Lumo Lift iOS/Android* app)
The device pairs with a free iOS, Android or Windows app to allow you to view your progress and gain actionable insights on your behavior. Lift measures how much time you spend in strong, confident posture, how many steps you take, how many calories you have burned and distance traveled.

Additionally, Lumo Lift’s flexible, magnetic design allows you to choose whether to show off Lift’s stylish interchangeable clasps (the base version comes with a silver and black clasp, while more color options are available as accessories) or wear it invisibly underneath your clothing. 

The Importance of Posture
Your posture affects everything from your health, appearance, communication, mood and even productivity. Poor posture is the leading cause of back pain, which is the most common reason for missed work days, lost productivity and costly doctors bills. Outside of health, your posture plays a large role in the way others view you, as well as impacting your mood and energy levels. The simple act of straightening up your posture and pulling your shoulders back can make a positive change in your life and help you put your best foot forward, all the time.

How the Tech Works

The Lumo Lift is a small, lightweight device that is worn just below your collarbone for posture coaching and activity tracking. Using angle displacement as a measure, our patented biomechanics monitoring sensors in the device allow for the Lumo Lift to know when your body slouches away from what you’ve calibrated as your standard of good posture. The Lumo Lift will alert you of slouching with a gentle vibration as a reminder to straighten back up. As the technology relies on body motion tracking, the Lumo Lift is best worn on snug fitting shirts that allow the sensor to stay close to your body.

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